45 research outputs found

    Integral descriptors of the vertical structure of the ocean

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    12 pages, 12 figuresWe propose a simple polynomial expression for neutral density and nutrients as a function of potential temperature, pressure and salinity. The expression is applied to the 1988 North Atlantic A16N WOCE meridional section and the polynomial coefficients are calculated using an inverse technique. The resulting polynomials show good skill in reproducing the nutrients and density structure, as verified through an analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. The large-scale changes in the polynomial coefficients occur between equatorial (E), tropical (T), subtropical (ST), and subpolar (SP) waters. The temperature and pressure coefficients experience substantial changes at all transitions (E-T, T-ST, and ST-SP), while the salinity ones only have major variations at the T-ST transition. Mesoscale-like oscillations occur all along the section but are relatively small, except between about 40 and 50°N, in a region of rough bottom topography. The density field is reconstructed using individual and group coefficients, and the contribution of each coefficient is identified. The method is also applied to analyze the neutral density distribution in a nearly identical 2003 section, removing near-surface density values that may be related to different warming/cooling of the surface layer. The results show close resemblances but also some significant variations, which are discussed in terms of interdecadal variability. Hence, we argue that the set of calculated coefficients provides good integral descriptors for the vertical structure of the oceanThis work has been carried out with support from the CANOA Project (CTM2005-00444/MAR), funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. The first author wishes to acknowledge funding through the Juan de la Cierva ProgrammePeer reviewe

    Маркетинг роздрібної торгівлі

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    Посібник містить навчально-методичні матеріали для вивчення дисципліни "Маркетинг роздрібної торгівлі". Блок навчально-методичного забезпечення включає методичні поради до кожної теми дисципліни: необхідні пояснення до теми, план семінарського заняття, основні питання для обговорення, практичні завдання, завдання для перевірки знань та контрольні питання. Призначено для студентів економічних спеціальностей всіх форм навчання

    Lead-DBS v3.0: Mapping Deep Brain Stimulation Effects to Local Anatomy and Global Networks.

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    Following its introduction in 2014 and with support of a broad international community, the open-source toolbox Lead-DBS has evolved into a comprehensive neuroimaging platform dedicated to localizing, reconstructing, and visualizing electrodes implanted in the human brain, in the context of deep brain stimulation (DBS) and epilepsy monitoring. Expanding clinical indications for DBS, increasing availability of related research tools, and a growing community of clinician-scientist researchers, however, have led to an ongoing need to maintain, update, and standardize the codebase of Lead-DBS. Major development efforts of the platform in recent years have now yielded an end-to-end solution for DBS-based neuroimaging analysis allowing comprehensive image preprocessing, lead localization, stimulation volume modeling, and statistical analysis within a single tool. The aim of the present manuscript is to introduce fundamental additions to the Lead-DBS pipeline including a deformation warpfield editor and novel algorithms for electrode localization. Furthermore, we introduce a total of three comprehensive tools to map DBS effects to local, tract- and brain network-levels. These updates are demonstrated using a single patient example (for subject-level analysis), as well as a retrospective cohort of 51 Parkinson's disease patients who underwent DBS of the subthalamic nucleus (for group-level analysis). Their applicability is further demonstrated by comparing the various methodological choices and the amount of explained variance in clinical outcomes across analysis streams. Finally, based on an increasing need to standardize folder and file naming specifications across research groups in neuroscience, we introduce the brain imaging data structure (BIDS) derivative standard for Lead-DBS. Thus, this multi-institutional collaborative effort represents an important stage in the evolution of a comprehensive, open-source pipeline for DBS imaging and connectomics